Care by Age
Types of Care at Skip-a-Long Centers
Skip-a-Long centers offer a variety of programs to meet each family's needs, all in Nationally Accredited and Quality Rated settings. While each center is unique, the programs offered are all structured to meet Skip-a-Long's high standards of excellence in early care and education. Centers regularly meet with parent advisory groups and local education organizations to make sure the care we offer is the best it can be for our next generation of community leaders.
Types of child care:
- Infant Care and Early Education
- Toddler Care and Education
- Two-Year-Old Care and Education
- Preschool Programs
- School-Age Programs
Infant Care and Early Education
Full-day, full-time care is available at all Skip-a-Long centers for infants six weeks old to one year old. More than just "daycare," your little one will get to explore the world through play with staff who are dedicated to making the transition from home to child care smooth for baby and parents. Infants at Skip-a-Long will:
- Learn connection and predictability through one-on-one staff interactions
- Develop and practice gross motor skills like rolling over, crawling, walking
- Learn fine motor skills and practice imitating facial expressions and sounds
- Work on foundations of early learning with exploration of shapes, colors, textures, and social development

Toddler Care and Education
Full-day, full-time care for toddlers ages one year to two years old is available at all Skip-a-Long centers. At the toddler age, children are learning their limits and boundaries, exploring cause and effect, and becoming more mobile in the classroom:
- Practices standing, crawling, walking
- Discovers the world through senses of touch, smell, sight, sound, and taste
- Learns predictability and how to transition between caregivers by testing adult responses to actions and showing preference for specific people or toys
- Works on self-feeding, imitating others, and using objects correctly
Two-Year-Old Care and Education
Full-day, full-time care for children ages two to three years old is available at all Skip-a-Long centers. Once your child turns two, he or she is beginning to learn to run and hop, is using memory and critical thinking skills to sort shapes and colors, and is enjoying imitating the behavior of others. A two-year-old at Skip-a-Long enjoys:
- Predictable routines and events at certain times of day, including large and small group activities, outdoor time, meals, and naptime
- One-on-one interaction with teachers to learn math and science concepts and practice early literacy skills
- Gross and fine motor skill development, and social-emotional skills building through games, make-believe, and group activities
Preschool Programs
Full-day, five-day preschool programs are available at all Skip-a-Long centers for children three to five years old. In preschool, not only are children learning skills to prepare them for success in kindergarten, they are also practicing the social skills, problem solving, and critical thinking that will help them adapt to the structure and environment of elementary school:
- Circle time, activity centers, small group learning and outdoor/gross motor skills-building time in the mornings and afternoons
- Healthy breakfasts, lunches, and snacks to give energy for learning
- Working together to clean up spaces, practicing how to listen and follow directions, and investigating the world through play
In addition to full-day preschool classrooms, Skip-a-Long participates in Illinois' Preschool For All Program and Iowa's Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program. These programs give families the opportunity to expose their children to a high quality, educational and fun classroom setting - giving parents a great start to preparing their children for success in school.
Wrap-around full-day, five-day care is available for children enrolled at Skip-a-Long centers, with help paying for care through Illinois or Iowa DHS or United Way. Contact Us to learn more!
School-Age Programs
Skip-a-Long knows children need a safe, educational place to go when school is not in session or when parents work past when school is done for the day. Skip-a-Long centers in Milan, Moline, and Rock Island offer before and after-school programs, School Days Out programs, and full-day, five-day summer programs for children up to 12 years old. School-age programs work with local organizations and attractions to give the children field trips, in-house visitors, and special themes to enhance and enrich learning they receive during the school year. Programs for school-age children are available year-round during the center’s regular business hours – Monday-Friday 6:00am-5:30pm. School-age children enrolled in any Skip-a-Long program enjoy:
- Homework assistance, help with project research and project-building
- Daily activities to enhance school learning in areas covering math, science, literacy, art, music and movement, and social studies
- Community activities such as partnering with assisted living facilities and local organizations for projects and events
- Field trips to regional attractions including museums, botanical gardens, wildlife preserves, and zoos
- In-house visits from local museums and organizations to provide additional learning opportunities
- Daily engagement activities that promote positive social interactions, self-esteem building, problem-solving, and critical thinking

Families with school-age children can enroll in one or more of the following options:
- Before and/or After-School Care: programs provided during the school year when school is in session. (Transportation to and from school is available at Rock Island and Moline centers, to many schools in the area. Contact the center of your choice for details)
- School Days Out Care: programs provided during in-service days, intercessions (fall, spring, winter breaks), and early out school days.
- Summer Care: programs provided during summer intercession breaks on full-time, five-day schedule.